Project 52 Week 5 - The Letter C

   We all know C is for cookies and miss Ivy has the most well loved Cookie Monster on the planet who almost was my subject this week.  My sister gave her Cookie the day she was born and he's been by her side ever since.  It's her most valued possession and with Niki gone, he's even more special.

  But the light and timing just didn't work out for that this week, so instead C is for Cupcake...and cooking in general.  Because, here's another window into our life.  My entire tribe are selective eaters.  Once upon a time, people would judge them as being fussy and irrational, but science has caught up and identified that there are a percentage of the population had severe anxiety about eating and feel unsafe when faced with eating certain foods.  Having SED or AFRID causes huge problems for those who suffer with it because in addition to the anxiety they feel, they're judged and ridiculed-often to the point of avoiding social situations rather than have to explain it.  So when I'm able to make foods that provide comfort and happiness to my little family, it's a huge win.  And those are some of the things I photographed this week!

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