The More Things Stay the Same

The more they change. 

  Yup, I know I wrote that in reverse of the quote you know.  I've been thinking about change a lot recently, partly because both of the kiddos are going to be in high school this fall and it occurs to me that our time as a foursome is dwindling.

  Take these trips to Elitch Gardens, for example.  I went to Elitch's as a kid (in a different location) and was the daredevil on every ride that held the potential to make me sick.  Then I had babies and Elitch's was off the menu for a while.  When they got old enough, we'd go on the little kiddie rides.  In a flash, they were tall enough for the big rides, but they still wanted me to ride with them.  Now, my stomach isn't as resilient as it was once and they just run off to the next thrill ride on their own.

  Same Elitch's, same four people...but the experience keeps changing every time we go.  It's always a moment when I remember to slow down and notice these two humans that mean the world to me.   If I don't, things will change on me again and I'll have missed it. 

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