The Cure for Hot Summer Days

   Miss Ivy is as aware of our dwindling number of summer days as I am.  She recently looked up when their first day of school is (August 16th is the day I have TWO high schoolers) and was none too happy.  Her solution was to make a "Summer Jar of Fun".   Each of us got to write 5 different activities to do and we draw one each morning.

  Each of us wrote several that included ice cream!  Ha, looks like ice cream is the key to summer happiness for the Tomczaks.  One of my faves are these brownie ice cream bars.  Bake up your favorite brownie recipe in a sheet pan, let it cool completely.  I froze no churn ice cream (look it up on Pinterest, it's the best thing EVER!) in a 9x13 pan for a couple of hours at least.  Smoosh the two together and trim the brownies to the size of the ice cream.  You can add peanut butter, caramel, or some fun topping to the ice cream and freeze it again.  Next up, cut into bars, coat with home made magic shell and leftover brownie crumbs.  100 degree ice cream bars!

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