New Photography Project

   Can I be painfully honest for a second?  I've actually had a harder time being inspired and motivated in 2021 than I was in 2020.  Why?  Probably because I'm a natural homebody and staying home and social distancing is something I like.  I know, a lot of people struggled with a feeling of isolation, and I don't want to take anything away from that.  I just wasn't one of them.

  Along comes 2021 and the whole family is vaccinated.  Now, we get invites that I've got no excuse to say no to or Zander has 812 baseball games that have us socializing again, I've found myself stressed out and exhausted.  For those of you who don't know, introversion isn't shyness and the inability to handle social situations.  Instead, introversion is a personality trait that recharges their batteries when they're alone and social situations are draining.  So all this "getting back to normal" is wearing on a girl.

  From a photography standpoint, it's created one heck of a creative slump.  I can't even tell you how often I've had to make myself pick up the camera.  So, it's time for some slump busting.  I'm starting a new Project 52.   One theme a week to work those creative muscles and find my groove again.  This week's theme is Day in the Life.  What could be more perfect for me to kick things off, right?

  So enjoy a day with the Tomczak Adventure Team!

Every morning starts with a wakeup call from Lucy.  Without fail, this fuzzy girl is on the bed to wake us up as soon as someone even rustles a little bit. 

Zander plays every single day.  I can't believe there are two guitarists in the family now.

She'll never get too big to hang out and watch 80's videos with daddy.

Quick stop for Sunday breakfast out.

Ivy and Daddy checking out her polaroid developing.

Numbers in Nature and examples of symmetry in nature.

Sassy pants crushing the mirror maze.

Wait, there's two of Ken?

A family impression.

Here's an unconventional way to get a photo of all four of us.

Time to chill, says Ivy.

Looks like I'm not the only one who needed a nap.

Yes, we still have our old Wii and yes, we play it all the time.

Soaking up a pretty evening while we can.

Z's looking ready to call it a night.

Ivy and Daddy ending the day the way they started it.

Night Night.

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