For Once, I'm ahead of the trend!

  It's true, and that never EVER happens.  Usually, I'm the last one to the party.  Hands up if you're there with me.
  But THIS time, I'm way ahead of the party.  A decade ahead.  I can hear you now..."Christine, what are you talking about?"  Well, the Covid 19 virus has wreaked all kinds of havoc on the world we know and many people are finding themselves homeschooling for the first time.  No worries, with 8 years under my belt, I've got your back. 

  The key to successful homeschooling is embracing just how different from a brick and mortar school it is.  Yes, your table is an awesome class room.  Yes, the lessons take less time because there's only one kid (or two or three).  And yes, it's perfectly fine to break things up throughout the day.  A schedule helps, but the thing with homeschool is that you can space things out and do what works best for you.  Now, if your child is remote learning, they may have a more strict schedule than the traditional homeschooler, but make sure they're taking breaks, walking around and stretching.

  Another thing I've got a head start over the trendy people out there...bread baking.  I've been doing THAT for well over 15 years and I've got a wild yeast starter that is as old as Ivy is.  My first tip for you, don't buy all the flour!  (I had to)  Now for my first real tip, make Peter Reinhart your very best friend.  He's a bread baking GOD!  All of his cookbooks are amazing, but The Bread Baker's Apprentice is my all time go to for pretty much any bread.  If you're trying out no-knead bread, then my suggestions are Jim Lehey's My Bread and Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.  These three cookbooks are really all you need to be well on your way to kick butt home made bread.  But seriously, you'd better leave some flour for me!

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