Week Sixteen

  Just like all of you, we're still in isolation.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm a weirdo, but staying home isn't a hardship for me.  I'm a homebody through and through.  Are you?  Or is this lack of interaction getting to you?

  Here in Colorado, we're actually coming out of our stay at home order much sooner than I (and from the polls 2/3 of everyone else who lives here) think is wise.  I feel for all of the people who've lost work and are struggling, I really do.  However, as a photographer who technically "could" start taking sessions; I'm also a human who feels like the lack of testing and immunity is a risk that's not worth taking.  I was just telling my son, just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

  I miss photographing families.  I miss little kids who want to run around and play with me.  I miss family sessions that begin and end with hugs.  And that connection is key to what sets me apart.  The experience that I believe in giving can't come with a mask on my face and from six feet away.  So until I can give the type of session that makes me the photographer I am, I wont.  But I'll be here for you as soon as we all get through this!

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