Week Thirteen

Or, if you're super active on social media, #quarantine.  Although I'm not a super fan of the term.  We're all at home, even Mr. Christine's Camera.  I actually prefer to say "Safe at Home" as opposed to "stuck at home".  For one, safe at home is a baseball reference.  Even though there's no baseball happening any time soon, it's still a happy thought for me.  Also, I believe in using positive language about this thing.

Being at home with the people I love most and knowing that they're protected makes me feel good.  Not to mention, I'm learning that I'm capable of doing a lot more things than I thought.  The oven FINALLY got here (oh yeah, there will be baked goodies posted here soon), which I installed with Z's help and I actually gave Miss Ivy a haircut.  Here's to being safe at home!

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