Week Twelve.

Okay, so I'm old.  Old enough that I remember being in middle school and going through a unit on communism and how bad it was.  To cement it in our brains, we had a "mock" market where we were given fake money based on where we were in the socio economic spectrum of our fake U.S.S.R. and told we had to compete to buy everyday necessities.  We might have to buy one roll of toilet paper for a gazillion rubles to last our family a month.

This all came flooding back to me as I've gone grocery shopping recently and capitalism is looking an awful lot like that "mock" market.  Panic buying that flipped the supply chain on it's head is making my head hurt.  Do you feel the same way?  One of my photos this last week was of my fridge because I was ecstatic that I found milk.  Puts thing in perspective, I guess.

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